This Awaken Meetup discusses Building Our New Earth
In these chaotic and turbulent times many people wish to return to “normal” and get their lives back as they remember them.
However, as we, and the Earth herself, go through our Ascension process this “going back” is no longer an option.
While we see systems, organisations, and governments crumble, we are being given the opportunity to design and create the world we wish to live in. This is a time for us to step into our role as Master Manifestors.
Each of us have gifts, talents, abilities and wisdom we can share with others, whether we realise it or not.
This Awaken Community Meetup topic is all about identifying what we have to offer the Collective and how we envisage our life.
The guided meditation will lead us along the path to discover how we can begin living our best 5D life now – there is no need to wait.
Recording will be available in order confirmation email and available in My Downloads under My Account.